- Expertise that benefits over 200 Editis group and independent publishers.
- Interforum provides its publishing partners access to all its retail outlets: book sellers, cultural commercial centres, supermarkets, on line stores, speciality book sellers, exportation channels...
- Over 15,000 clients.
- We are a corporate organization specializing by channel and by substance in order to offer to publishers and retailers business teams that are knowledgeable in the specificities of each channel.
- Value-added services and tools for publishers and booksellers.

- Almost 120 million books from 220 publishing housing are distributed every year.
- Automated processes for storing, preparing and shipping orders make Interforum the leader in distribution.
- The way that these different industrial centres complement each other allows for an adaptability to any type of published material.
- Client satisfaction is at the core of our values, and regular monitoring provides us with information that we use to continually improve our service quality.

Part of Editis, subsidiary of International Media Invest (IMI), co-leader in publishing in France, Interforum has been a key actor in the book industry supply chain for over 60 years.
We form the link between publishers and retailers with teams that carry out the marketing, promotion and distribution of published materials. Our technological innovations and our service culture creates an added value for our publishers and retail clients allowing them to always remain as close as possible to the readers.
Interforum is present in Canada, Belgium, Switzerland and France, where we employ over
12,000 staff whose skill and passion for their work give proof to our success.